루터잉글리쉬 6월의 선생님__김솔로몬 (Solomon)


루터잉글리쉬에서 영어강사로 근무중인 김솔로몬 입니다.

Hello, My name is Solomon Kim and I am one of the tutors at Luther English.

I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and grew up all over the world to experience the beauty of culture and language. 

I believe that the name of the game that we call life should be renamed “consistent effort”. 

Every person can name at least one person in their life that they saw as a “role model”. 

Whether that’s a parent, friend or a teacher. 

If I look back in my life, I’ve always had a teacher/tutor/professor that I always looked up to.

 Not just from a student's perspective but from a life mentee's point of view. 

The way they carried themselves and their lives made me want to learn more about them 

and (of course) the subject they were teaching. 

I like to always remind myself that time is something you make. 

Not something that is just given. 

I hope and pray that this is shown through my actions and results and hope that 

it can be a lighthouse to one’s life someday.

CEO Lee John Henry ㅣ Biz License 538-96-00089

Addr. 서울시 영등포구 당산로35길 4-2, 3층

Tel. 02-2062-8487 |  luthertalk@gmail.com

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CEO. Lee John Henry ㅣ Biz License. 538-96-00089 |  Addr. 서울시 영등포구 당산로35길 4-2, 3층

Tel. 02-2062-8487 |  luthertalk@gmail.com

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